Action Planning Template
Goal: Implementation of classroom management
techniques to improve staff morale and increase student achievement
Gather and study 2011-2012’s discipline
Helen Wilt, Amy Locker
July 2012
Discipline reports
Chart number of incidents per grade
level/per student/per teacher
Conduct staff development to implement
classroom management techniques
Helen Wilt, Lori Meek, Amy Locker
August 2012
Love & Logic DVDs and literature; NEU
Studying the amount of discipline
referrals; teacher surveys
Continue staff development on classroom
Helen Wilt, Lori Meek, Amy Locker
September 2012-May 2013
Love & Logic DVDs and literature; NEU
Studying the amount of discipline
referrals; teacher surveys; classroom observations
Form new discipline committee. I will suggest a teacher from every grade who are the movers and shakers in the building.
Helen Wilt, Amy Locker
August-September 2012
Information gathered from discipline
referrals; results from surveys
This committee will be formed at the
beginning of the year and continue to meet throughout the year. I will suggest the members but my principal has the final word.
Review results from district benchmarks
Helen Wilt
November 2012 and January 2013
Data from DMAC program
I will follow the progress of my 3rd
-5th graders in math and reading.
Review results from STAAR test
Helen Wilt
May 2013
Data from the state
I will finalize progress of my 3rd-5th
graders in math and reading.
EOY survey on staff morale
Helen Wilt
May 2013
Create survey on morale/school climate
Evaluate results from surveys
Share results with staff during a faculty meeting or team meetings.
Helen Wilt
May-August 2013
Surveys; STAAR data; discipline report for
2012-2013 school year
I will share the results of my
project. Did morale increase? Did our
students reach the state’s expectations?
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for sharing your revised action research plan. I like the changes, and feel that the topic is valid and relevant. Any means by which we can increase staff morale and student achievement, I'm behind it! Keep it up!
Dr. Abshire