Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Week 3: My Action Research Project Template

Action Planning Template
Goal: Implementation of classroom management techniques to improve staff morale and increase student achievement
Action steps
Persons Responsible
Needed Resources
Gather and study 2011-2012’s discipline referrals
Helen Wilt, Amy Locker
July 2012
Discipline reports
Chart number of incidents per grade level/per student/per teacher
Conduct staff development to implement classroom management techniques
Helen Wilt, Lori Meek, Amy Locker
August 2012
Love & Logic DVDs and literature; NEU literature
Studying the amount of discipline referrals; teacher surveys
Continue staff development on classroom management
Helen Wilt, Lori Meek, Amy Locker
September 2012-May 2013
Love & Logic DVDs and literature; NEU literature
Studying the amount of discipline referrals; teacher surveys; classroom observations
Form new discipline committee
Helen Wilt, Amy Locker
August-September 2012
Information gathered from discipline referrals; results from surveys
This committee will be formed at the beginning of the year and continue to meet throughout the year
Review results from district benchmarks
Helen Wilt
November 2012 and January 2013
Data from DMAC program
I will follow the progress of my 3rd -5th graders in math and reading.
Review results from STAAR test
Helen Wilt
May 2013
Data from the state
I will finalize progress of my 3rd-5th graders in math and reading.
EOY survey on staff morale
Helen Wilt
May 2013
Create survey on morale/school climate
Evaluate results from surveys

Share results with staff
Helen Wilt
May-August 2013
Surveys; STAAR data; discipline report for 2012-2013 school year
I will share the results of my project.  Did morale increase? Did our students reach the state’s expectations?


  1. It sounds good. What kind of staff development will you do? Will it be in-house or will it be someone from the outside doing it? I think you should include how the discipline committee will be chosen. Hope this help!

  2. I like the plan. Please don't take these questions as a sign I don't like your plan. I want to follow it closely. I have is if you are only using benchmarks and testing data to measure an increase in student achievement? I would be interested to see if improved classroom management has an effect of less zeros on homework and more thorough responses independent of testing. Also, do you have a plan on working with resistant teachers? Changes in classroom management, in my experience, are something that some teachers will fight to the end about as some people become married to their methods.

    A resource you might want to look at is a program called "Capturing Kids Hearts". If you are interested, I could ask the teacher at my school who leads the inservice with this program where she found out at it from.

    1. Jared,
      Don't be so worried about your comments. I can take constructive criticism. :) Your questions are ones I really haven't thought about. I'm glad you are making me think. I don't know about those resistant teachers. Never heard of "Capturing Kids Hearts". I'm gonna look into it. Thanks!

  3. The plan is very concise and straight forward. I think it is doable. I am interested in how do you plan to present it to your staff members.
