Soon it will be Meet the Teacher night for many of us around the country. This is the night that we meet our new group of kids and their parents. Teachers dress for the occasion, many of us putting on lipstick for the first time since June. Do you get nervous? I still do.
This will be my 26th Meet the Teacher night. I get butterflies with the anticipation and excitement of meeting my new kids, moms, dads and even grandparents. I want them to like me, really like me. (cue Sally Field's oscar speech in 1985 for those of you old enough)
I want the moms and dads to know that their child is in good hands, that I will love them like my own. That I will do my best to teach them what they need to know academically and emotionally. Besides math and science, I will teach kindness, fairness, perseverance, community and respect. If their child makes a mistake, I will guide him through it without humiliation. I will teach them that fair doesn't always mean equal. I will tell them to work it out when they come to me at recess, upset because someone won't play with them. I will cheer them on and push them to be their very best. I won't give up on their child.
I hope all of this comes across as I fly around the room, shaking hands and excusing myself to greet another new face that enters the room. I hope they like me.
It is so amazing that we teachers are trusted with other's "everything" -- Your right - such an huge honor, privilege, and butterfly inducing event!