Monday, October 1, 2012

Action Research Project Progess

     My action research project is “Will Implementing New Classroom Management Techniques Improve Our Staff’s Morale?”  I attended the training this summer in Denver along with my principal and a colleague.  We learned a great deal in three days and were very invigorated to get this ball rolling!  My colleague and I presented the first module of the program during an hour-long after school workshop.  We then invited teachers to sign up for the next training session in October.  As of today, we have 27 people signed up!  I am really surprised at the positive feedback I’m hearing.  Our teachers are actually using some of the techniques in their classrooms and are experiencing success. 
     I have gathered last year’s discipline referrals and counted them.  Currently, we have seen a lower amount of referrals compared to this time last year.  Our assistant principal seems pleased with the time he has for other things now.
     My principal decided against forming a new discipline committee, so I will have to delete that from my action plan.  We are using the people who have volunteered to attend further training as a PLC, rather than a committee.  We feel that this will serve our staff and students much better.  I liked this idea because these teachers are part of this professional learning community on a volunteer basis, not a mandate.  Sometimes when one is asked to serve on a committee it may be considered as a waste of time.  However, this way, having the option to attend training or not, makes the PLC a more positive learning experience. 
     I have scheduled one workshop per month to teach the classroom management techniques, as suggested by the program’s authors, Jim Fay and Dr. Charles Fay.  I am really feeling good about this action research project and the increase in our staff’s morale already.  It’s off to a great start!

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